According to the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) latest Fatal Workplace Injuries figures report, as of September 16th, a total of 18 people have unfortunately been killed in accidents at work during 2022.
10 of these fatalities (or 55%) were in Agriculture, forestry and fishing sector, more specifically, the “Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities industries”. 4 of these fatalities (or 22%) have been in the Construction sector. While there has been one fatality in each of the following sectors;
- Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
- Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and personal goods
- Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
- Education sector

2021 saw a total of 38 reported fatal workplace injuries, a 29% decrease from 2020. This reduction is thought to be partly attributed to the impact of COVID-19 on the Irish economy, though some sectors, such as Agriculture remained relatively unimpacted by the pandemic.
Previous full year figures, the number of workplace fatalities were as follows;

CMSE Consultancy part of Chris Mee Group specialise in Behaviour Based Safety (BBS) and Observational Based Safety programmes.
Find out more about how Behaviour Based Safety (BBS) and Observational Based Safety programmes can help you to reduce accidents.
For the latest information on fatalities and injuries statistics visit: