Ireland’s Third Annual National Workplace Wellbeing Day

National Workplace Wellbeing Day aims to improve overall employee wellbeing through promoting better exercise and nutrition in the workplace.

What benefits does National Workplace Wellbeing day offer?

Workplace Wellbeing creates a safe and healthy work environment which improves staff morale, increases productivity and reduces absenteeism.

Did you know?

In 2016, 300+ companies in Ireland varying from SME’s to Multinationals participated in National Workplace Wellbeing events.

How we’re getting involved!

As part of our ongoing Workplace Wellbeing Wellness Campaign, Chris Mee Group have a number of activities planned.
On Friday, March 31st we at Chris Mee Group will host a health talk on the topic of Stress for all Personnel including Staff, Contractors and those on Placement through CMSE Recruitment.
Dr. Benjamin Martin of The Wellness Champions Cork will share insight on minimising stress and maximising longevity as well as discussing how stress affects performance, focus and overall mood
Chris Mee Group will also be Sponsoring Healthy Food options at break times.

Let us know how Your company is getting involved with Workplace Wellbeing Day 2017!

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