Winter Driving Preparedness was compiled by Matthew Culloty, Ergonomic & Safety Consultant at Occupli Consultancy.
The current climate may not feel like your typical Irish November conditions in the mild weather we are having. It is probably delaying the inevitable heavy rain, high winds, the odd frosty and even snowy snaps. So now is the ideal time to do a bit of a sanity check on your vehicle and make sure you have yourself prepared for venturing out on the road this winter.
Some items to keep in mind for winter driving conditions:
- Check the weather the night before, getting caught out in the morning due to frost can lead to rushing and potential mistakes. Allow enough time for the added traffic pressure and relevant poor weather.
- Do you really need to make the journey in the first place?
- If you must travel, plan your journey – if there is local flooding, debris on the road, can you take an alternative safer route, this may be longer but more reliable i.e., main roads are more likely well gritted for frost long before local and regional roads.
- Regular Car checks:
- Tyres – Pressure and thread depth.
- Windscreen wipe – suitable concentration for low temperatures and freezing.
- All lights working – Fog lights, dims, indicators, hazards, etc.
- Should you break down:
- Safe place to pull in – Keep yourself and fellow road users safe – don’t create a hazard for oncoming traffic. Pull in as far left as you can, with the wheels turned into the left.
- Place a warning triangle behind your car only where it is safe to do. It is advised not to change tyres if you cannot safely position the vehicle as this will potentially place you in greater danger.
- Have emergency break-down contact details
- If you are on a motorway, ensure lights and hazard indicators are left on and wait behind the crash barrier until assistance can arrive. Note your nearest emergency phone if possible.
The road safety authority have a useful document on their website to click on Be Winter Ready.

What is my car Kit?
- Warning Triangle
- Hi-vis jacket/vest.
- Head torch (rechargeable)
- Windscreen wash top-up.
- Ice scrapper.
- Portable compressor pump.
- Spare jacket.
- Mini First Aid kit.
- Phone charger.
- Spare micro-towel.
Have a question or need some assistance? Contact Matthew Culloty at matthewculloty@occupli.com or info@occupli.com to contact the Occupli Consultancy team.