The rise in electric vehicle (EV) usage in recent years brings about various benefits like cost savings, reduced emissions, and environmental awareness. However, conducting a Fire Risk Assessment for EV’s and their charging points is essential as there are fire risks associated with EV batteries due to various reasons, including:

  • Overheating
  • Overcharging
  • Physical damage

These risks require specific attention to ensure fire safety for EVs and their charging points, including proper placement of charging stations, availability of suitable fire extinguishers and suppression systems, etc.

What types of batteries are used in EV vehicles and why fire risk assessment is important for them?

The most common type of battery used in EVs is the Li-ion battery, known for its high power-to-weight ratio. However, its electrolyte is highly flammable, posing a risk of ignition if thermal runaway occurs—a process leading to battery decomposition and potential fire. Hybrid vehicles, on the other hand, may use Nickel-Metal Hydride Batteries, which also require consideration for fire safety.

Fighting fires involving EVs demands significantly more water compared to conventional vehicles, highlighting the need for thorough fire risk assessments. Similarly, the presence of EV Charging Points (EVCPs) requires careful evaluation due to the lack of specific legislation and guidance in this emerging field.

Why is conducting a fire risk assessment necessary for charging points?

The UK Government interim guidance recommends conducting fire risk assessments for car parks with EVs or EVCPs to identify and address potential hazards. Additionally, the installation of EVCPs should be integrated into the overall building fire safety strategy, with qualified fire engineers reviewing active and passive fire safety measures, as well as fire safety management provisions. This includes assessing the functionality, maintenance, and testing of fire safety measures during emergencies, ensuring comprehensive fire risk assessment and mitigation for electric transportation and charging points.

To get in touch regarding a fire risk assessment, call 0818 315 415 or email us at