The EPA has published new radon maps for Ireland that update the radon risk assessment for the country. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that causes about 350 cases of lung cancer in Ireland each year.
Some parts of the country are more at risk from radon than others. These areas are called high radon areas. This is an area where the EPA predicts that more than 10 per cent of dwellings will have radon concentrations above the national reference level.
The new radon maps show an increased risk from radon in Ireland, with 170,000 homes now predicted to be at risk of radon exposure above the national reference level. This is an increase of 45,000 homes, from the previous estimate in 2002.
According to the Ionising Radiation Regulations (S.I. No. 30 of 2019), employers in high radon areas are legally obliged to test their workplaces for radon. Radon testing is simple and inexpensive and, where necessary, reducing high radon levels in a building is also straightforward.
- The maps are available on the EPA website Here
- Further guidance on testing and remediation is available on the EPA website Here