The NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management course covers management of health and safety and in particular fire safety including legal requirements. It also includes principles of fire and explosion, causes and prevention of fires, fire protection in buildings and ensuring the safety of people in the event of fire. The content is designed to equip those studying with the necessary skills to undertake fire risk assessments in most, low risk workplaces.
[accordion title=”Who Is This Course Intended For?” is_open=”no”]
The NEBOSH Fire certificate is intended for managers and supervisory staff that need to ensure their workplace meets fire safety requirements under current legislation, but is also suitable for those moving into a fire safety advisor role.
[accordion title=”Certification” is_open=”no”]
NEBOSH Certification
[accordion title=”Course Objectives” is_open=”no”]
The NEBOSH Fire Safety and Risk Management Certificate is designed to equip duty holders to help their organisations to meet the legal duties placed upon them by the Regulatory Reform
[accordion title=”Course Programme” is_open=”no”]
UNIT NGC1 – Management of Health and Safety
- Module 1 Health and Safety Foundations
- Module 2 Policy
- Module 3 Organising for Health and Safety
- Module 4 Promoting a Positive Health and Safety Culture
- Module 5 Risk Assessment
- Module 6 Principles of Control
- Module 7 Investigation
- Module 8 Monitoring, Review and Audit
UNIT FC1 – Fire Safety and Risk Management
- Module 1 Managing Fire Safety
- Module 2 Principles of Control
- Module 3 Causes and Prevention of Fire
- Module 4 Fire Protection in Buildings
- Module 5 Safety of People
- Module 6 Fire Risk Assessment
[accordion title=”Assessment” is_open=”no”]
Practical and two written elements