European Safety Week 2013 will take place on the week beginning October 21st.
The theme of the week is “Working Together for Risk Prevention”.
Workplace health and safety is good for business, for workers and for society as a whole. Every year more than 5,000 people lose their lives in the EU as a result of accidents in the workplace according to Eurostat. A great many of these lives could be saved and many thousands of other injuries prevented if risks were anticipated and sensible safety measures implemented.
The 2012-13 “Working Together for Risk Prevention” campaign focuses on:
- Managing risks
- Encouraging top managers to actively engage in risk reduction
- Encouraging workers and their representatives to work with managers to reduce risks
With plenty of time left to organise something, the Chris Mee Group would love to see companies making an effort and getting involved this year. Why not try some of these suggestions for ideas on what you can do to participate:
- Support an awareness campaign in your workplace
- Access free downloads of the European campaign guide which included presentations to help you tailor talks or presentations
- Plan a safety-related activity