Written by Aisling Hegarty, Health & Safety Consultant with CMSE Consultancy
As infection rates continue to rise in Ireland many businesses now face similar challenges to when the COVID-19 pandemic began last March. As of the 8th of January, non-essential construction works have been shut down with a plan to re-open at the end of January. Other sectors such as retail, hospitality and some manufacturing operations have had to either close or reduce the number of workers in their facilities. However, businesses are hopeful they can re-open again before too long, and with the roll out of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine we are in much different situation to March 2020.
Last year, many businesses had developed their procedures in line with the government’s Return to Work Safely Protocol. In November 2020, the government published an updated version, now called the Work Safely Protocol. This revision reflects the government’s “Resilience and Recovery 2020-2021: Plan for Living with COVID-19” and outlines the measures required in the workplaces to prevent spread of COVID-19 and guidance on the safe re-opening of workplaces.
Last year, many businesses had developed their procedures in line with the government’s Return to Work Safely Protocol. In November 2020, the government published an updated version, now called the Work Safely Protocol. This revision reflects the government’s “Resilience and Recovery 2020-2021: Plan for Living with COVID-19” and outlines the measures required in the workplaces to prevent spread of COVID-19 and guidance on the safe re-opening of workplaces.
Once businesses are back up and running, they must ensure their protocols are being adhered to and maintained. This can be greatly facilitated through ongoing COVID-19 inspections and auditing programmes.
Implementation of COVID-19 compliance monitoring programmes will ensure:
- Compliance with protocols and procedures.
- Identify risks & control measures
- Improve awareness and morale in the workplace
- Stakeholder assurance
Businesses face challenging times over the coming weeks. However, now is the time to plan for recovery and a safe return to work for their staff.
(COVID-19 Compliance Support, Inspection and Auditing Programmes https://occupli.com/covid-19-compliance-support-and-inspection-programmes/)
If you require further information or assistance please contact us via email at info@cmse.ie, by phone at 021 497 8100 or start an instant chat with us via the chat box in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.