Public & Utilities Sector
EHS Solutions for the Public Sector & Utilities
More than 300,000 public servants work across a broad range of organisations to deliver public services in Ireland. This accounts for approximately 17% of the 1.98 million workforce in Ireland (CSO Q3 2015). Services includes education, defence, conservation, economics, health and policing. In addition to general health and safety requirements the Public Sector Energy Efficiency Strategy is working to integrate energy management into the general management of public sector organisations and has set a target of improving energy efficiency by 33% by 2020.
The energy and water utility sector in Ireland is undergoing major change including increased competition with new market entrants, transition towards a low-carbon economy with the growing role of renewable energy and increased energy efficiency. Ireland has a long term commitment to an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within the energy sector when compared to 1990 levels by 2050 and a 100% reduction by 2100. Policy is encouraging industry investment in low-carbon technologies while also safeguarding security of supply and maintaining cost competitiveness to consumers. Chris Mee Group support employers in the public and utility sectors not only in integrating energy efficiency but also in better managing occupational health and safety in its wide range of activities and workplaces.

ESB Networks Case Study
Irish Water Case Study
Gas Networks Ireland Case Study