Manual Handling Training Courses

Occupli is a leading provider of quality Manual Handling training courses in Ireland for many years.

Manual handling training is a legal requirement in Ireland. The specific legislation is the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, (General Application) Regulations 2007.

Occupli provides solutions for employers who need to comply with this legal requirement and deliver practical courses to their staff.  We are a leading provider of quality Manual Handling training courses in Ireland for many years.  We provide both manual handling courses for employees and Instructors in various venues such as Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Galway, etc..

Our courses include proper techniques when lifting, carrying, loading, pushing, and supporting weights.  Occupli Training provides both public and private manual handling training courses.  Our instructors are experts in safe handling and lifting practices. We provide these training courses nationwide.

Occupli Training is fully FETAC-approved for the Instructor courses and for RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning)

Latest Manual Handling Training Courses

Employee Manual Handling Training

Manual Handling Instructors Refresher Course

Instructor Manual Handling Training

Manual Handling Instructors Refresher Course

Manual Handling Instructor Refresher Course

Manual Handling Instructors Refresher Course

Online Manual Handling Course

General Principles of Prevention:

  • Avoid Manual Handling where possible – but train when avoidance is not an option
  • Regulation 69(a) of the 2007 Regulations states that, in order to avoid the need for manual handling of loads by employees, every employer must:
    • Take appropriate organisational measures, or
    • Use the appropriate means, in particular mechanical equipment


Technical Employment Support Grant (TESG) Funding may be available for Training Courses where applicable.

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