Chris Mee Group Safety Statements

QQI Level 6 Supervisory Management Course

The QQI Level 6 Supervisory Management training course is a part time course, completed over 7 weeks. It comprises 50 hours instructor led directed learning (typically 4 days of classroom based training with additional one to one mentoring).

Note: While the delivery of the program is over a 4-day period, it also requires a sizable amount of self-directed study. Candidates should allow for 100 hours of self-directed learning which will involve preparation for the skills demonstration, completion of the portfolio/collection of work as well as general revision of coursework.



+353 1 517 5270


+353 818 315 415



We recommend use of Google Chrome™ 5.0 or newer web browser 

You will require; 

  • Reliable Internet Access 
  • Audio (headphones or speakers) 
  • Microphone 
  • Webcam  

Please test these prior to commencement of the course. Late joiners to the course will not be allowed access. Occupli Limited will be unable to provide technical support on the day of the course. We ask all attendees to arrive to the webinar at least 10 minutes before the course begins. 

Course Content
  • Roles and Responsibilities of a Supervisor / Team Leader
  • Effective Communication and Emotional Intelligence
  • Building and Engaging Effective Teams
  • Team Leadership and Organisational Skills
  • Operational Planning
  • Employment Legislation and Skills Demonstration Presentations
  • Recruitment and Selection
  • Data Protection
  • Departmental Budget Planning
Course Overview

Duration: 4 Days typically 
Participants: Up to 12


To achieve certification, each candidate will be required to undertake an assessment process that involves a skills demonstration (where candidates will be required to keep a log/record of supervisory management activities undertaken) and a portfolio/collection of work.

Both parts of the assessment will be subject to external verification by QQI. Further details on the assessment process include:

Skills Demonstration (60%):
Candidates will provide evidence of their skills in the following areas by compiling an account of their experiences, observations, and implementation of the knowledge and skills gained on the programme. They will present their findings on the final day of the programme:

  1. Supervisory Management – Role of the supervisor/team leader, familiarity with industry standards in relation to policies and procedures and associated legislation.
  2. Operational Planning – developing operations manuals for work-related procedures including record management systems, goal and objective setting, developing work plans and human resource planning.
  3. Team Leadership and Organisational Skills – communication and interpersonal skills, time management, delegation, ongoing training and development of staff, effective performance appraisal techniques.

Part of the assessment will take the form of a 10-12 minute presentation in which the candidates will present evidence (plans, records, meeting minutes etc.) of their skills in the above areas.

Portfolio / Collection of Work (40%):
Candidates are required to produce a Portfolio / Collection of Work that demonstrates their knowledge and understanding in a number of key areas:

  1. Staff Recruitment – analysis of the process of recruiting staff.
  2. Data Protection – familiarity with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  3. Budget Planning – take account of a range of potential expenses including labour and material costs, insurances and contingency.

The Portfolio / Collection of Work must be submitted within two weeks of the final delivery day.

The trainer will also provide two 2-hour webinar tutorials to aid participants in the preparation of their Skills Demonstration and Portfolio/Collection of Work. In addition to these tutorials, virtual coaching support sessions are provided to all learners during the course of the programme.


On successful completion of this course participants will receive a QQI (formally FETAC) certificate in Supervisory Management at Level 6.

Course Objective

The objective of the Supervisory Management programme is to provide learners with the knowledge, practical skills and understanding required to operate effectively as a supervisor or line manager.

Supporting objectives include:

  • describing the role of the supervisor/line manager
  • analysing the process of staff recruitment
  • familiarising learners with current applicable workplace legislation and best practice in staff supervision
  • familiarising learners with the provisions of the Data Protection Act
  • assisting learners to develop operations manuals for work-related procedures including systems for records management
  • providing instruction in the preparation of departmental budgets which take account of range of potential expenses including labour and materials costs, insurances, contingency etc.
  • instructing learners in current training best practice (e.g. development and delivery methodologies) – guiding learners in the conduct of performance appraisals
Learning Outcomes

At the end of this programme, successful participants will be able to:

  1. Identify the supervisory skills required to succeed in a dynamic environment.
  2. Demonstrate familiarity with industry standards in relation to policies and procedures and associated legislation.
  3. Demonstrate effective communication skills and high levels of emotional intelligence when dealing with their team and colleagues.
  4. Apply the skills required to lead and manage a team effectively, including the use of appropriate performance management and development, coaching, training, time management and delegation techniques.
  5. Demonstrate effective operational planning techniques in the development of operations manuals for work-related procedures, including record management systems, goal and objective setting and human resource planning.
  6. Manage the recruitment and selection process (including consideration for permanent and/or contract staff).
  7. Describe the precautions necessary to protect information.
  8. Prepare a departmental budget, taking into account a range of potential expenses such as labour and material costs, insurances and contingency.
Target Audience

This programme is suitable for:

  • Existing Team Leaders and Supervisors who wish to gain a formal accredited qualification in Supervisory Management.
  • Newly appointed Team Leaders and Supervisors who wish to learn how to manage operations, people and teams.
  • Managers in business who have direct reports and wish to learn best-practice techniques for managing people through teamwork.
  • Employees who plan on progressing to a supervisory role.
  • People who wish to gain a professional, accredited qualification in the area of Supervisory Management
Transfer and/or progression opportunities
This Minor Award can be used to meet the requirements of the following Major Awards

6M4587 Level 6 Management Major Award
6M4749 Leisure Facilities Supervisory Management Major Award
6M4978 Health Services Supervisory Management Skills Major Award
6M5013 Administration Major Award

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