PPE Services
Personal protective equipment (PPE) means any device or appliance designed to be worn or held by an individual for protection against one or more health and safety hazards. PPE includes safety helmets, gloves, eye protection, high-visibility clothing, safety footwear, safety harnesses or respiratory protective equipment (RPE). Even where you have applied engineering controls and safe systems of work including instructions, procedures, training and supervision some hazards might remain. If PPE is still needed after implementing of such controls you must provide this PPE for your employees.
You want the PPE to do the job right and protect you or your employees. You will need guidance on what a successful PPE programme is, what you need to consider, and what actions are required. You also need to ensure you are happy with the advice you are being given. Otherwise, it may cost you more money in the long run. Occupli Consultancy are a leading provider of safety related consultancy services in Ireland & abroad including process safety, chemical safety, ATEX, fire and asbestos management services as well as PPE services.
Occupli Consultancy have over 20 years of experience maintaining the highest levels of safety standards in process, chemical and fire safety. We can work with any project, big or small, and ensure that you are fully compliant with all of the relevant PPE legislation. Occupli Consultants provide informed and appropriate general advice on health and safety as well as specialised PPE knowledge.

Contact the Consultancy Team Today
Occupli Consultancy PPE Services include:
- PPE Pre Assessment
- Evaluating and Selecting appropriate PPE
- Ensuring your PPE is compliant
- Controlling the use of your PPE
- Establishing a PPE monitoring and maintenance procedure
- Effectively training your employees in the proper use, care and maintenance of PPE
Occupli PPE Assessments
Occupli Consultants will undertake a comprehensive assessment to determine who is exposed and to what, how long are they exposed for and how much are they exposed to. We will then advise you on choosing the most appropriate PPE carefully.
Occupli Consultancy PPE Assessment Services include:
- Assessing the hazards in the workplace in order to identify the correct type of PPE to be provided.
- Assessing the level of risk so that the performance required of the PPE can be determined.
- Selecting appropriate PPE which is user-friendly and which fits the individual employee correctly
- Ensuring you make appropriate provisions for medical conditions and the type of PPE
- Evaluating PPE to ensure it complies with the requirements of the European Communities (Personal Protective Equipment) Regulations
Your legal requirements for providing PPE Assessments
Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007 , Part 2 Chapter 3 covers Use of Personal Protective Equipment at work. The fundamental principle is that personal protective equipment (PPE) should only be used as a last resort. The safety and health of employees must be first safeguarded by measures to eliminate workplace risks at source, through technical or organisational means or by providing protection on a collective basis. Collective protective measures covering numbers of employees in a workplace must have priority over protective measures applying to individual employees. If these measures are not sufficient, only then should PPE be used to protect against the hazards that are unavoidable. If PPE is still needed after implementing other controls (and there will be circumstances when it is, you must provide this for your employees.
Ensuring Compliant Use and Maintenance of your PPE
If PPE is not working or fitted properly, then the person wearing it is exposed to the risk as this is the only (or last) protection the wearer has against the particular hazard. PPE must be properly looked after and stored when not in use. If it is reusable it must be cleaned and kept in good condition.
In order for your PPE programme time is required to control and monitor PPE and detailed records must be kept. Occupli Consultancy can develop your monitoring plan that will:
- Monitor the use and check regularly if PPE is used and if it isn’t, find out why not
- Ensure you have sufficient safety signage and other reminder that PPE should be worn
- Document any changes in your equipment, materials or processes that may affect PPE
Determine a reasonable period of obsolescence for your PPE
The examination, maintenance and repair of PPE used in high-risk situations must be carried out by properly trained staff according to manufacturer’s instructions. Those involved should also have the necessary tools and materials to carry out proper repairs. Occupli PPE Compliant MaintenanceProcedures will assist you by:
- Determining who is responsible for your PPE maintenance
- Documenting and communicating your PPE maintenance standard operating procedures
- Reporting faults, loss or destruction of your PPE
- Ensuring you are maintaining the appropriate levels of replacement PPE and any parts
- Evaluating the cost effectiveness of using appropriate disposable PPE
Occupli Training is a leading provider of Fire and Rescue, Chemical Handling, Breathing Apparatus and Asbestos training internationally for over 10 years. Our training includes the use, care or maintenance of PPE. Occupli Training will customise your training depending on the level of risk involved and the complexity and performance of the equipment. For instance, the use of respirator equipment will require a comprehensive degree of training with regular refresher courses. The frequency of the refresher courses required in the case of PPE for high-risk situations will depend on the nature of the equipment, how frequently it is used and the needs of your employees.