Chris Mee Group Safety Statements

Online Chemical Safety Awareness

If you come into contact with chemicals at work then this course is for you.

After completing this course you will be able to: 

  • Identify routes of entry of chemicals into the body
  • Assess the health effects of chemicals
  • Recognise warning symbols and read relevant product warning label
  • Review an MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)
  • Identify different types of available PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
  • Review strategies in relation to the handling of chemicals


+353 1 517 5270


+353 818 315 415

Course Details
  • Legal Overview – Employer & Employee duties in current legislation
  • Routes of Entry of Chemicals – how chemicals can adversely affect us depending on route of entry, dose and duration of exposure
  • Classification of Hazardous Substances – site-specific information in relation to particular chemicals can be addressed in this section
  • Use of Material Safety Data Sheets
  • Overview of Safe Systems of Work to include: Permit to Work & Hot Work permits
  • Overview of Control Strategies in relation to the Handling of Chemicals
Who Is This Course Intended For?

This course is intended for workers who come into contact with chemicals in the workplace.

Course Objectives

On completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • List routes of entry of chemicals into the body
  • Identify health effects of chemicals
  • Identify warning symbols and read relevant product warning label
  • Use an MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)
  • Identify different types of available PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
Course Objectives

On completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify possible fire hazards in the workplace
  • List control measures to be put in place
  • Know and understand the uses of the various types of fire extinguishers
  • Select the correct type of fire extinguisher for the task
  • Effective use of extinguisher
MCQ Test

This is a chemical  awareness course and course participants are advised that the content is knowledge based only.  This course does not include any hands-on element.  We do point out that CMSE Training also provide blended courses that do also have practical elements.

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