Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material Training
Who Should Attend
The course is designed for people who deal with NORM at the following types of sites:
• Sites that manage drilling waste
• Sites with oil & gas pipelines
• Water and waste treatment facilities
• Natural gas and propane processing facilities
• Sites that process uranium or radium ore
• Thorium processing sites
• Facilities that handle radium-illuminated instruments and dials
• Radon in buildings
• Disposal facilities
• Recycling facilities
9 Days
Key Course Objectives
On completion of the course attendees will be able to:
- explain basic NORM theory
- describe where NORM can be found
- explain personal hygiene, health, environment and reputation risks
- describe measures to counter NORM risks
Course Aims
Aims of the course are to provide knowledge and understanding of NORM:
- basic radiation theory
- where NORM can be found
- personal hygiene and health risks
- exposure control measures
- risk control measures and PPE