IOSH Working Safely
Course Details
This IOSH Certified 1 day Working Safely course is designed to train people to contribute to health and safety in the work place and to help people to understand their health and safety responsibilities.
Up to 12 Personnel
1 Day
Who Is This Course Intended For?
All employees
Pre-Course Requirements
Course Objectives
Understand the need to work safely, define the terms ‘hazard’,’ risk’ and ‘risk controls’, explain the importance of risk
assessment, appreciate the role of workplace precautions, describe a health and safety management system, identify
lines of communication with respect to health and safety in their place of work, identify safety signs and signals, use
emergency and accident plans and procedures in their place of work, know how to report accidents, incidents and near
Course Programme
• Module 1 – Introducing working safely.
• Module 2 – Defining hazard and risk
• Module 3 – Identifying common hazards
• Module 4- Improving safety performance
• Module 5 – Environmental awareness