NEBOSH Courses
Occupli is a leading provider of NEBOSH training courses in Ireland
We are a fully registered NEBOSH learning partner since 2003 with centres in Dublin and Cork with hundreds of satisfied customers; we boast exceptionally high pass rates and we will not be beaten on price.
Occupli trainers are full-time safety professionals and highly experienced instructors.
NEBOSH International General Certificate in Health and Safety
NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate
NEBOSH (The National Examination Board in Occupational Safety & Health) was formed in 1979 as an independent examining and awarding body. We offer NEBOSH qualifications in health & safety, fire, environmental and risk management. All these certificates are internationally recognised.

Additional NEBOSH Information
Training Mission Statement
‘To provide flexible and quality based health & safety training programmes to the highest national standards. We offer best value training solutions to meet our client’s learning needs and are committed to continually improving our training programmes through systematic evaluation and valued client feedback.’
Occupli Training will strive to ensure:
• That our training courses are relevant to the current and future industry needs
• The promotion of equality for all learners and the recognition of the diversity of all learner groups
• A safe and healthy training environment for all learners
• The provision of clear and relevant information on all programmes
• All learner personal information is handled sensitively and in accordance with the Data Protection Act
• All training is completed by experienced and qualified staff who deliver well prepared and up to date lessons and training sessions using a range of learning techniques
• That all assessment is fair and consistent
• All learners have opportunities to give feedback on our services
• That all queries and complaints are dealt with in a professional, consistent and timely manner
General Information
NEBOSH (National Examination Board in Occupational Safety & Health) is an awarding body with qualifications aimed to meet the needs of the workplace in relation to environmental management, health & safety. NEBOSH is approved by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA).
Occupli is an approved provider of NEBOSH qualifications.
Assessment Information
a) Learner Responsibility
The learner will sign a learner agreement prior to starting the course, outlining their responsibilities in the learning process.
b) Assessment Deadlines
Occupli Training’s instructions on assessment deadlines will make it clear to the learner his/her responsibility to present evidence for the assessment activity within the deadline specified and the resulting consequences should a learner fail to do this.
Occupli Training will facilitate and give due consideration to a learner who provides evidence of extenuating circumstances. See below on compassionate consideration.
Any consequences for late submission of evidence will not however interfere with the marks awarded. Once learner evidence is accepted by Occupli Training it will be marked and graded in accordance with the standards for the award. The actual marks and grade awarded are determined solely on the basis of the evidence submitted in accordance with the standards for the award.
c) Assessment Malpractice
Should Occupli feel that there is any malpractice, or a breach of the malpractice policy, NEBOSH will immediately be notified of same. Should learners feel that malpractice is taking place, they may raise a complaint to NEBOSH highlighting same. Further information on the Nebosh Malpractice Policy can be found here:
d) Reasonable Adjustment
The Equal Status Acts, 2000 to 2012, requires Occupli Training to provide reasonable accommodation to meet the needs of diverse learners. Occupli Training is committed to working hard with individuals or groups with particular needs to facilitate successful participation on all aspects of our programmes.
In the context of NEBOSH, Reasonable Adjustment is the term for the adaptation of assessment as necessary to cater for the needs of learners whose personal situation means that the assessment would otherwise be unfair e.g. learners with a disability, learning disability and/or language difficulty. The Nebosh policy on Reasonable Adjustment can be found here:
Any action in relation to Reasonable Adjustment must be known at the time of the assessment, and an application must be made one month prior to a ‘standard’ sitting, and no less than two weeks before a ‘local’ sitting.
Any adaptation of the assessment by the tutor will facilitate the learner to demonstrate their achievement of the standards without significantly altering the standard.
Special assessment arrangements/adaptations are not intended to and will not reduce the validity and reliability of the assessment or compromise the standard.
The adaptation will seek to amend the aspects of the assessment technique or instrument which prevent a learner’s participation in the assessment. It will be used where the particular assessment technique(s) or instruments disadvantages the learner in assessment.
These adaptations may include the following and/or other reasonable adaptation:
• modified presentation of assignments/examination papers e.g. enlargements
• scribes/readers
• use of sign language
• practical assistants
• rest periods
• adaptive equipment/software
• use of assistive technology
• extra time.
The implementation of these adaptations will ensure that all learners are assessed on an equitable basis. Occupli Training is responsible for their implementation and any associated costs incurred.
e) Special Consideration
Occupli Training will endeavour to enable learners to apply for special consideration in relation to their assessment. Occupli Training will enable learners who have been prevented from undertaking a specific assessment activity or who feel their performance is seriously impaired because of exceptional circumstances to apply to defer the assessment i.e. to be allowed to complete the assessment activity on another occasion. Applications for Special Consideration are made to Nebosh.
The following are examples of circumstances under which NEBOSH may consider giving special consideration to the learner:
• Temporary personal illness or accident/injury at the time of the assessment
• Bereavement at the time of the assessment; or bereavement occurring before the time of the assessment, where an anniversary has been reached at the time of the assessment or there are on-going implications such as inquests or court cases
• Serious disturbance during the assessment
• Alternative assessment arrangements that were agreed in advance of the assessment that proved inappropriate or inadequate
Applications for Special Consideration are made to Nebosh through Occupli (acting as the Accredited Course Provider), who will consider all applications on a case-by-case basis.
f) Repeats Policy
Where a learner is unsuccessful in an aspect of the assessment process, there will be the possibility for the learner to re-sit this at a later date. Occupli will endeavour to accommodate this request at the next possible opportunity.
g) Appeals Policy
Occupli operates an Appeals Policy which allows learners to appeal results where they feel correct marks may not have been applied. Should a candidate wish to appeal any aspect of the assessment process, they may request this by contacting the Approved Course Provider (ACP). Appeals can be made through the provider to NEBOSH within 14 days of an Enquiry About Result (EAR) outcome date.
h) Protection
Learner data will be protected under Occupli’s data protection policy. Learners will be informed of any changes to courses at the earliest opportunities, and where applicable, refunds will be applied.
i) Complaints
Learners should comply with the Providers Complaints Process in order to make a complaint regarding the course. Should the learner still be dissatisfied with this outcome, this complaint can be escalated directly to NEBOSH. Further details on Nebosh complaints Policy can be found here:
j) Terms & Conditions
Nebosh courses are run subject to Nebosh Terms & Conditions. These include General Students Terms & Conditions, which can be found here: