Chris Mee Group Safety Statements

IOSH Managing Safely for Construction Managers

From January 1st 2020 the IOSH Managing Safely for Construction Managers course programme will be replaced by the IOSH Safety, Health & Environment for Construction Site Managers course programme. READ MORE

Occupli is a leading provider of the IOSH Managing Safely for Construction Managers course. Both, in Ireland and the UK.   It is a 4 day course. It can be tailored towards managing safety in a construction environment.

See course content below.  It includes legislation, practical managing of sub-contractors, realistic risk assessment. As well as accident investigation and other relevant topics. IOSH is one of the largest accrediting bodies in Ireland and the UK.  Occupli  have been accredited for many years.


+353 1 517 5270


+353 818 315 415

Scheduled Venues, Dates & Prices


Venue Date Price & More Info
Cork From January 1st 2020 the IOSH Managing Safely for Construction Managers course programme will be replaced by the IOSH Safety, Health & Environment for Construction Site Managers course programme. READ MORE[/message]
Dublin From January 1st 2020 the IOSH Managing Safely for Construction Managers course programme will be replaced by the IOSH Safety, Health & Environment for Construction Site Managers course programme. READ MORE[/message]
Course Objectives
  • To outline relevant health and safety legislation, codes of practice, and guidance notes and know where to source such information.
  • Distinguish between the duties and responsibilities of the employer and employee, contractor and sub-contractor.
  • Be able to verify the competence of the sub-contractors.
  • Understand the basis of risk assessment and risk control.
  • Have a knowledge of risk rating systems.
  • Be able to implement workplace precautions, relative to the risks.
  • Understand the basis of regular review of proposed systems.
  • Know the statutory requirements for reporting and recording of accidents and near misses.
  • Understand the principles of accident investigation.
  • Know the importance of continuous active monitoring.
  • Identifying training needs in an organization.
  • Know the importance of consultation with employees and employee representatives.
Target Audience

Ideal for those of you who wish to gain knowledge and build competency in construction safety including site foremen, site managers, project managers, safety officers, contract managers.

Course Contents

1: Accident / Incident / Ill-health causation / Investigation and avoidances
2: Legislation
3: Risk assessment and safety management
4: Reactive monitoring focusing on aspects on the construction environment
5: Active monitoring
6: Controlling common workplace hazards
7: Human factors
8: Safety management system

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