Ergonomic Assessment Services
Occupli Consultancy is a leading provider of Ergonomic Assessment Services. These include Video Display Unit (VDU); Display Screen Equipment (DSE): work station reviews, task assessments (work rotation schedules) and repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) assessments. Occupli Consultancy delivers cost effective, practical ergonomic assessment services to our clients nationwide.
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Competency in Ergonomic Assessments
It is vital that an Ergonomic Assessment is carried out by a competent person to clearly identify and correct any hazards that may exist. Occupli Consultancy is a leading provider in this area. In turn, we deliver cost effective, practical assessment projects for clients of any size from SMEs to large government bodies, financial institutions and multi-nationals.
Our fully qualified ergonomic consultants will visit your work environment and provide an extensive assessment and report. Each workstation is individually assessed. In addition, our consultants will investigate specific injuries such as WRULDs (work related upper limb disorders), RSI (repetitive strain injuries), Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and back problems as they might develop or occur in the workplace.
General Principles of Prevention
The “General Principles of Prevention” is a legal requirement and we all know that “prevention is better than cure”. Therefore our main job as Ergonomic Assessment Consultants is prevention.
We help clients both large and small to prevent injuries and accidents at work through these types of assessments. A full report is written with a detailed assessment of the work environment with key recommendations to bring your business in line with current legislation. We won’t just improve your work environment but we will also impart practical advice to ensure your remain compliant in the future.
Benefits of using Occupli Ergonomists
Some of the ways you can benefit from our expertise and experience include:
- Achieving legal compliance
- Gaining greater corporate responsibility
- Reducing the likelihood of accidents
- Reducing the potential for injury and ill health such as RSIs, WRULDs of the wrists, shoulders and back
- Decreasing workers compensation and healthcare costs
- Increasing employee productivity
- Developing safer and healthier employees
- Increasing levels of staff morale
Click here to book a training course to become a VDU / DSE Assessor!
DSE/VDU Assessments
Ergonomic Services
Ergonomic Solutions for Working from Home
For more information please visit the HSA website